Sunday, July 03, 2005
As I write this opening paragraph, I proceed, partly out of curiosity, partly out of cultural peer pressure (it seems like everyone else has a blog these days... now, it's like one has to blog just to blend in...) -- but mostly out of a deep personal necessity to share with the world the innermost reflections that are sure to arise in one when one starts to blog...
As a social phenomenon, blogging is very interesting, it is essentially different from keeping an actual diary, the former being sort of an exhibitionist activity and a one-way (mostly) communication with others whereas the latter has always been more of a private affair. I think it speaks of where we have gone as far as our failure to communicate interpersonally in real life. Blogging is what we have invented now to tell others about who we are or who we think we are, or who we want to be, what other generations used to tell each other in real life or simply sometimes didn't tell.
I guess the most difficult part is coming up with a cool enough blog name. This in itself could be an endless task... I tried not to fall into this trap.
The main focus of this blog will be to explore our intensely obsessive fascination with stories. Here I will share theories and discuss stories from various sources (personal or not) and art-forms, old or new. Movies. Books. Scripts. Music. Pop culture. Personal adventures or misadventures.