Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Movies are Fashion:

Watching DVD filmmaker commentaries can be an insightful experience. The good ones will always leave you more knowledgeable about a particular filmmaker's process, craft and philosophy. Some commentaries are so accomplished that they almost become an artform unto themselves.

My favorite commentary is by director David Fincher and his star Brad Pitt for the special edition DVD of the modern classic film "Seven". I remember being utterly floored by the flow of their report together and by the simultaneously analytical and anecdotal nature of their insightful conversation. One particular statement Fincher made in this commentary truly stood out. It is the type of comment you never forget, because it is as truthful as can be and yet somehow you managed never to think of it before.

"Seven" is one of those films that broke new stylistic ground and set lasting trends for a number of films that were to come out afterwards. I remember how for years many other thrillers tried to replicate the style of its title sequence, the dreary lighting and muted color palette... I believe Fincher was discussing the unique look of the movie, which cinematographer Darius Khondji helped create, when he simply observed that "movies are fashion". In films, one trend gets replaced by another, which in turn is put out of circulation by the next trend.

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